Niger Foods

The Niger Food Security Systems and Logistics programs offer a path to environmental sustainability by promoting resilience, enhancing productivity and resource efficiency, and improving food quality and safety, the program intends to implement farming and processing zones in every local government area in Niger State.

The Niger Food Security Systems and Logistics Ltd intend to improve the Agriculture food supply chain by making it sustainable and creating access to the regional and global market with a special focus on infrastructural and institutional development in handling food for export and local consumption, establishing lawful food systems.


Niger Food Security Systems and Logistics Ltd will be encouraging industrialization necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 1 on no poverty, Goal 2 on zero hunger, Goal 3 on good health and well-being, Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth, Goal 9 on industry, innovation, and infrastructure, and Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production, agro-industrialization

The various programs intend to increase household incomes, foster job creation in rural agricultural communities, especially for youth and women, and enhance food and nutritional security in Nigeria.

Part of the objective is to support inclusive and sustainable agro-industrial development and seek to enhance the competitiveness of selected value chains. This will be achieved through increased productivity, aggregation and reliable supply of quality raw materials, value addition, improved food conditioning and handling, market access, and private sector investment.

The programs have specific projects to strengthen climate resilience through less-carbon-emitting activities throughout the agricultural value chains. These activities will involve the application of green technologies for waste management, as well as the production of renewable energy that helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Niger State carbon sequestration through forestry and agroforestry will be a critical asset for the planet, Niger state occupies a unique geographic position in Nigeria, and the variability in climate and geographic features endows her with one of the richest biodiversity in the country,

  • Restoring ecosystems would improve biodiversity, clean up polluted rivers and contaminated soils, and secure people’s livelihoods in Niger State
  • Niger State committed to developing, adopting, and implementing a practical post-2020 global biodiversity framework during the last COP 15,

Niger State intends to plant 1 billion trees, indigenous Shea nut trees and nonindigenous trees eucalyptus etc.
